CONTACT ME: ...'But 'First' ----- *** 'ATTENTION' *** 'True-Lovers' of: 'Coffee', 'Cola', &/or 'Chocolate'!(...'You-'Addictedly-Mis-Guided', 'Pre-Brain-Washed' ---'SICK-Individuals'!) --- 'Guess-What'?--- 'You 'are-at' the: --- "WRONG-WEB-SITE" !!! -----'Go-Away' until You have: ---'Experienced' the 'Calls' of: ---'DEATH'!(?) ---'In the 'Gutters' of Your ---'Mind'! Your: ---'Body'! "AND" ...Your: ---'SOUL'? 'Now, if 'on-the-Other-Hand', You are a: ---'Questionable' 'True-Lover' of: Coffee, Cola, &/or ---'Chocolate' ---'Well', that's Different'! ...'Yea'! 'In-that-Case' *** 'PLEASE' *** ---'Take-a-Seat'! We will be ---'Passing-Out' ---'Streight-Jackets' momentarily, for some of You! 'In-the-mean-time', just: 'Bite' Your 'Finger-Nails' or the: 'Complementary-Carrots'!

.....'Hey' --- 'If You can 'SPELL' --- 'Caffeine', --- 'You can 'TASTE' ---'Cancer' ...!!! 'So, "Let's-Talk" ...!! >>> 'Lets --- 'Get-Down-to-Business' ...!!! 'The --- 'PROOF' ---'Is-in-the --- "PUDDING" ...!!!

If you have comments, questions, or suggestions, please contact me:

     >>>>>  Steweeme  <<<<<  @  650/747-0266  /  650/804-5745 


.....'BETWEEN' a ---'Rock & a Hard-Place' ? 

***** "Please-Send" ***** 'Donations', 'Pledges', 'Memberships' & ---'Tips' to: Steweeme, PO Box #111, La Honda, California, 94020 ...'Thank-You' All'!

& ...'NOW' .....'The ... 'INCAPACITY' ----- of a:


...'Stop-Smoking' / ...'Stop-Drinking' / ...'Stop-Bad-Habbits' / ...'Stop-Hitting & Scratching'(...'females') / ...'Stop-Kicking & Maming'(...'males') / ...'Stop-Nail-Biting' / ...'Stop-Nervous-Habits'(...'Throat-Sounds', 'Facial-Contortions', ---'Twitching') / ...'Stop-Kids-Carrying-Guns'(...'Understanding-"WHY") / ...'Decifer' ---'Bull-Shit' & 'Confusing' "Words" like: 'Bi-Polor' & 'Manic-Depressive' & 'Hyper-Activity' & A-D-D & (...'simply-put') 'Being-Excited' or 'Being-Sad' / ...'Stop-'Over'-Eating' / ...'Stop-'Under'-Eating' / ...'Stop-Breast-Cancer' / ...'Stop-Seeing-'Shrink' / ...'Stop-Seeing-Doctor' / ...'Stop-Doing-Meds' / 'Stop-Prostate ---'BLOOD' / ...'Stop-Lying & Cheating' / ...'Stop-Perscription-Drugs'(...'Narcotics'!) / ...'Stop-Street-Narcotics' / ...'Stop-"SELLING-YOUR-BODY' / ...'Stop-Yelling & Fighting w/'Children' / ...'Stop-Cheating & 'FUCKING-OVER'-Ones-'Spouse' ...!!! / 'Stop-'Tail-Gateing'! / 'Stop-Eating ---"SHIT"!

......'Feel-Free' to 'Send-In': 'Other-Like: 'Examples' ...!

>>> 'Thanks': Steweme <<< 650/747-0266 / 650/804-5745 ...'Later':


'How' does this ...'Reasoning' ---'Hold-Up', with Reguards to the 'Virtues', presented-here,' by: 'Caffeine-Junkies': -----

...'It gives You a ---'feeling' of ---'Well-Being'! (...'Just like 'Shooting-Heroin' ...!)

...It calmes your Nerves & ---'Makes-You-Relax (...'Just like 'Snorting-Coke'!)

...'It Helps you 'Think' & Helps 'Orient' you'! (...'Just like Your 'Dr. MEDS'...!)

...'It makes you 'Less-Irritable'! (...'Just like 'Toking on a 'CRACK-PIPE'...!)

...'It wakes You up & gets You going'! (...Just like a 'Couple' ---X-Tops & a Pepsi'...!)

...'It reduces or Avoids Headaches! (...Just like ---'MIGRAIN-NARCOTIC-PILLS'...!)

...'You would feel 'Bad', without it'! (...Just like being 'without' My: 'Prozak/Vicadin'...!)

...'It 'stimulates' You & gives You ---'Energy'! (...'Shit-Yea'! Just like 'CRANK'...!)


.....*** " PLEASE " ***..... "GET-WITH-IT" !!! 'YOU-ADDICTED-FOOLS' ...!!!

.....'the Great --- 'STEWEEME' ...!!!

650/747-0266 / 650/804-5745  


Currently:"THERE-ARE-NO-CURES"! Only what's 'Left' that is: "GOOD"!


...'Just in:

--->>> 'D-B-D's <<<---





...'U-KNOW'---'WHO' ---'U-R'...???

'Sign-Up' ---'NOW'! 'You can get: 'First' & 'Fast', an 'Inexpensive' ---'MENTAL-RE-BUILD'!!!(...'Crainum-Thickness' 'pro-rated'!)


..... a 'Word' of ---'REMINDER' ---!! ...'If ---'STIMULANTS' WERE 'ADDRESSED' ...'ALL-THE-"HOSPITALS" would go'AWAY' ---"NATURALLY" ...!!!

...the 'Great' Steweeme (circa: 1918-2002)

'Call-Anytime': 650/747-0266 / 650/804-5745 / 'Good-Luck' with Yourself': Steweeme

...The 18th Century 'Writer', William Corbett, 'Author' of: 'The Vice of Tea Drinking', writes: 'Tea-Drinking' is a: 'Destroyer of Health', an 'Enfeebler of the Frame', a 'Engender of Effeminacy & Laziness'(...'maybe' ...), a 'Debaucher of Youth', & a 'Maker-of-Misery' for 'Old-Age'!(...'makes 'Sense' to me !)